This week, we received welcome news that June and July were the two best months on record for solar energy. According to data from Green Collective, an open-source data collector, the sun generated a record 3.5% of Ireland’s energy over the last two months, with figures showing communities and households across Carlow and Kilkenny are benefitting from this ‘solar revolution’.
Over the last four years in government, the Green Party has been driving the growth in clean, renewable energy. Last year we removed the VAT from solar panels, and the need for planning permission has also been removed for the vast majority of homeowners who wish to go solar. That means it’s never been cheaper or easier for households to join the solar revolution.
The national growth in solar is reflected in the figures for Carlow and Kilkenny. In the last four years over 2,000 households have availed of SEAI grants to install solar PV panels – 714 in Carlow and 1,348 in Kilkenny – and an incredible 70% of those were in the last year alone. That compares to just 31 homes in Carlow installing solar from 2015 to 2019, and 57 in Kilkenny in the same period. Ireland’s solar revolution is real, and solar energy is now creating thousands of jobs, securing Ireland’s energy supply, and reducing both emissions and household energy bills.
So far in 2024, over 100,000 homes across Ireland have installed solar panels and the we want to empower communities and households to install 700,000 rooftop solar PV systems on homes and on 55,000 commercial premises by 2030. This alone will provide for 5% of our national electricity needs. Measures secured by the Green Party, including grant supports and the removal of VAT on solar panels, have reduced the average cost of supply and installation for consumers from €9,000 to €5,600.
It’s clear solar is becoming increasingly attractive to people, and with the payback period now as low as six years, there are huge savings to be had. People can reduce their energy bills, protect themselves from global energy price spikes, and sell their excess electricity back to the grid. Now is definitely the time to take advantage of the opportunity that’s there to use clean energy to lower bills and carbon emissions.