Recent news & updates
Here, you'll find updates on my progress as Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform and T.D. for Carlow-Kilkenny. Click on the categories below to filter my posts for the issues you're interested in.
At last! Nature Restoration Law finally approved!
A landmark day and a win for nature
A deal on the Nature Restoration Law - my statement.
ADOPTED! The European Parliament votes to Restore Nature!
A crucial vote on the Nature Restoration Law
Celebrating Europe Day at the Carlow Potato Exchange
A Europe Day visit to Kilkenny City Vocational School
UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon addressed by Minister Noonan
Europe Day celebrated in Kilkenny by Minister Noonan
Greens give cautious welcome to proposals for directly elected Mayors
Greens urge setting up an EU Unit in every Local Authority
EU and US Trade Deal will decimate Irish Agriculture-Noonan