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Happy Pride 2021 wishes from Minister Noonan

I’d like to wish a Happy Pride to one and all – to those who are members of the LGBT+ community and to those who are allies of the LGBT+ community, of which I am proud to be one.

Celebrating Pride has been particularly unusual for the past two Junes, for obvious reasons. I’m conscious that the pandemic-related isolation we’ve all felt has been particularly difficult for the LGBT+ community and as we emerge from these public health restrictions I’m even more mindful of where they might find themselves in terms of their mental health.

With this in mind, over the coming week, I’ll be highlighting on my social media channels various LGBT+ supports that are available nationally but also locally in my Constituency of Carlow-Kilkenny. Please share these across your own social media platforms so that they can reach those who need it most.

Speaking of how my Constituency is celebrating a socially distanced Pride this year . . . Keep an eye out for Carlow Pride Festival’s publication of The Out Mag, which brings a visibility and a voice to those in the community rarely seen or heard and is to be distributed with 14,000 copies of The Nationalist . . . And visit to see what exciting events Kilkenny have in store, of which there are many.

Well done to everyone involved in these endeavours who are ensuring that allies and members of the LBGT+ community remain connected. Happy Pride!


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